
Case Study: Match + Berry

student project


The concept of “slow living” has always intrigued me, so I decided to research its role more and the points I focused on set the tone for the brand identity of match+berry.

Slow living is an approach to life that is more slow-paced and prioritizing your time to what is most important to you. It does not equate to being less productive or simply doing everything slower, but rather living according to your own idea of success and striving for the better outcome. It is not just for people living in the countryside and it is a slowly evolving mindset. Awareness of slow living continues to rise with the popularity of slow travel, slow fashion, slow gardening, etc.

I started my sketches with illustrations of possible characters to incorporate into the branding, because people are often comforted by a friendly face. I was specifically inspired by childhood cartoons and children’s book illustrations. For the logotype, I wanted the texture or form to have a hand-done feel in order to take as much of the busy, digital world out of the brand.


